Freedom Fitness


Youth Fitness Programs

teen boy wearing blue t-shirt showing off his biceps


Sports Conditioning for Youths St. Louis, MO


We Build Well Rounded Athletes

Welcome to Freedom Fitness

 Your Premier Destination for Youth Strength Training in Missouri

At Freedom Fitness, we recognize the importance of instilling a foundation of strength and wellness in our younger generation. Our Youth Strength Training program is designed to foster not only physical strength but also to enhance motor skills, sports performance, and overall well-being.

The world of youth athletics has never been more competitive. Children are learning sports younger and younger, and the pressure put on their young bodies can be overwhelming if they are not used to the physical exertion required. Proper training can help with injury prevention, foundational strength, and in time, can be the key to gaining a competitive edge. Our team at Freedom Fitness is currently training over 500 youth athletes for sports teams across Missouri. 

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Youth Strength and Conditioning

We specialize our training not just for the sport in question but also for the general youth population. Strength training can help increase the confidence of any young person and make it more likely they will continue their fitness journey later in life.

When training athletes, we ensure they have the skill set needed to excel. From volleyball, baseball and basketball to hockey, football and wrestling, our team can train your child to become the best they can be in the sport they love without overwhelming or overworking them. Whether you are looking to help your child be healthier and happier or they are seriously pursuing an athletic career, we can customize a training plan to help them achieve their goals.

Young athletes require a good foundation in strength training. Strength training makes young athletes less likely to suffer injuries and helps them to perform at their best during every game or meet.

Youth Athletics Team Training

While some younger athletes prefer one-on-one training sessions, we also are happy to offer small or large group training sessions for entire sports teams as well. 

By training together, not only will a sports team have better overall stamina and strength, but they will feel more connected and learn to work together better. Some of the best youth sports teams succeed because they do so many things as a unit, and by training together, they will grow together too.

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A Better Lifestyle Beyond the Gym

It’s no secret there is an obesity problem in America, and it starts at a young age. While exercise is a huge part of the problem we can address, we also are happy to offer help with nutrition planning and programming. From helping a child understand the importance of nutrition on a basic level to optimizing their diet for athletic performance, we can improve the habits of young athletes so they have the foundation they need to live a healthy life.

Here's Why Our Youth Programs Stand Out:

  • High School Athletics Focused Training: Tailored specifically for high school students, our program acknowledges the unique needs and developmental stages of adolescents. We provide a safe and effective environment for teens to build strength and power.

  • Diverse Training Tools: Our Youth Strength Training incorporates various equipment, including medicine balls, to add variety and engagement to the workouts. This approach not only develops strength but also enhances motor skills and coordination.

  • Updated Position Statement Paper: We stay on the cutting edge of youth strength training through continuous learning and adherence to updated position statement papers. Our trainers are well-versed in the latest guidelines and recommendations to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the program.

  • National Strength and Conditioning Standards: Our program aligns with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) standards for youth resistance training. This ensures that your teen receives training that meets the highest industry benchmarks.

  • Sports Performance Enhancement: Beyond strength building, our program focuses on sports performance. From speed and agility training to enhancing overall athleticism, we aim to help young athletes reach their full potential in their chosen sports.

  • Body Weight and Resistance Training: Our approach includes a balance of bodyweight exercises and resistance training, promoting functional strength and flexibility. We believe in cultivating a well-rounded fitness foundation for the youth.

  • Expert Guidance: Our certified youth trainers bring expertise and a passion for working with young individuals. We prioritize proper form, technique, and age-appropriate progressions to ensure a safe and effective training experience.

  • Informed by Sports Medicine: Grounded in the latest research and position papers from the National Sports Medicine community, our Youth Strength Training program reflects the best practices for fostering a healthy and active lifestyle in young individuals.

Empower your young athlete or high schooler with the benefits of structured and expert-guided strength training. Join Freedom Fitness to be a part of a community dedicated to nurturing the physical well-being of our youth. Check out our Youth Strength Training programs today for a holistic approach to health and fitness.

Call Today to Take Advantage of Our Youth Training Programs

Call today to take advantage of our youth training programs.

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